Chevrolet's Posterous blog at is one of the best examples I've seen of a major corporation embracing casual video.
They don't even bother masking the URL to be something that branches off of their main site,
That's cool.
In this post, UPDATED: Social and digital media influencers at SxSW drive the Chevy Volt, they've embedded four YouTube videos of people sharing their first impressions of the Chevy Volt.
What impresses me about these videos is that they are not edited, obviously taken with a pocket video camera, and just long enough to share authentic and immediate impressions.
How long are the videos?
1:14, :05, 1:32, :07.
As long as they need to be.
I don't think I've ever seen a corporate video that was :05 seconds long.
This is great!
One more thing, Chevy also embedded their Posterous blog on their Chevrolet Volt Facebook page as a tab.
Chevy took me out to dinner at SXSW. Did that raise my awareness of Chevrolet? Yes. Having them park cars in front of the Austin Convention Center also helped.
Am I writing this post in return for something? No. Will I be considering the Chevy Volt when it's time to buy a new car? Yes.