Girl with a big camera by stevegarfield, uploaded from flickr.
Sonia shows me her new Fuji 6x7 camera that looks like a toy.
I took this photo with my Razr phone, but the attachment was too big to send by mail, so I had to figure out how to sync my Bluetooth phone with my MacBook Pro.
On the Razr, you have to go into Settings, then option 8. Connections, 2. Bluetooh, Setup.
Then you click on "Find Me".
After that you have a 60 second race against time to get Bluetooth Setup Assistant on the MacBook to find your phone.
After it finds it, you get a number that you key into your Razr and the phone is then paired with your MacBook.
Now you can use the Bluetooth menu bar 'Browse Device' option to move files from your Razr to your MacBook.
Razr iSync MacBook Bluetooth Tips