All photos (CC) Derek Wilmot
View the whole set on flickr.
Prosniewski said Vieira was known to police. He has 11 prior charges, including larceny, assault, and drug charges. He has been arrested twice for home invasion, Prosniewski said.Rescuer tells of harrowing escape:
“He’s got a pretty long record,’’ he said.
Authorities identified him as Michael Fitzpatrick, 52, of Malden, who has been convicted 16 times in Massachusetts. Police said they found a gun in his possession.
chat roulette from Casey Neistat on Vimeo.
"I'm newer to podcasting and videoblogging... and I have Justin Kownacki and Steve Garfield to thank, two strong influencers and guiding lights in that space." Chris Brogan
one minute droplets from bartleby on Vimeo.
With the chaos of everyday life consuming our senses, it is nice to sit back and enjoy moments and experiences that are often overlooked. This project aims to study the forgotten moments and times in life that we often pass by without acknowledging.
The rules:
-Video must be exactly one minute long
-No camera movement (no panning, tilting, etc)
-No editing whatsoever
-Use original sound
-Tag with '1 minute'
"...if you're not optimizing your videos, you should start. 'Blended search,' the practice in which search engines display videos, images, news stories, maps, and other types of results alongside their standard search results, has become increasingly common on major search engines. And optimizing video content to take advantage of blended search is by far the easiest way to get a first-page organic ranking on Google."The article talks about a number of things that are covered in my book, Get Seen, along with something that I wasn't aware of, submitting your Video Sitemap to Google.
The anonymous Iranian citizens who captured and distributed the shooting death of a demonstrator during last year’s Iranian re-election protests have received one of journalism’s highest honors — the Polk Award. The announcement marks the first time that the award was given to an anonymous news source.via [ NewTeeVee ]
Neda Agha-Soltan, an Iranian demonstrator who was shot and killed during a protest in Tehran last year, became a symbol of the Iranian resistance not long after the shocking video of her death began appearing on YouTube and other video sharing sites. According to the NY Times, the video was originally sent to Voice of America, The Guardian newspaper and five others in Europe, asking those who received it to pass it along. It was an Iranian expatriate in the Netherlands who first posted the video to Facebook, which started its online distribution.
The Polk Awards recognized the video producers despite the anonymous nature in which it was created and distributed. “This video footage was seen by millions and became an iconic image of the Iranian resistance. We don’t know who took it or who uploaded it, but we do know it has news value,” award curator John Darnton said in a statement.
Steve Garfield, video blogging guru and author of “Get Seen: Online Video Secrets to Building Your Business”, recently made a great presentation to our Reinventing the News class on Monday. In his talk he shared a few of his experiences with us over the years of his video work and also shared some advice on how to become a real video blog master.the baglady in lace - Oh Pioneers!
A true pioneer on the video blogging frontier, Garfield was posting videos online in 2004, a year before YouTube even hit the scene. Since, his work has flashed across television and computer screens nationwide through networks like CNN, the BBC and Rocketboom, morphing Garfield into some sort of guru in the art of getting seen, an expertise which he further explains in the book he recently released: “Get Seen: Online Video Secrets.”Bay Area Sports from Boston - Steve Garfield:
I think one of the best examples of first-person video reporting he gave us was his walkthrough at his Jamaica Plain voting center from election day 2008. He was told he couldn’t videotape anything, but he knew the law and tried to explain to the people there he could, in fact, videotape the surroundings. Ultimately he left, but getting the entire process on video like that provides insight that you can’t really express with words.STATE YOUR NAME - Another Famous Garfield:
Garfield began blogging in 1997, but it was not until 2004 when he started to Vlog (believe it or not Garfield came before YouTube, folks! Impressive!).L.H.P erspective - The Video Blogger:
Now, with the creation of new media and phone video devices, Garfield is vlogging more than ever before.
“I can click a button and send a video to YouTube.” said an excited Garfield “We now have the ability to both record and share with a device from your pocket!”
Things have changed so much since Garfield began video blogging. Now, it is not that hard for any regular person to get their stuff seen. Using CNN as his example, Garfield illustrated that all you have to do is upload your information onto their website and you’ve got a chance of having your video appear on CNN.mark disalvo [dot] com - Video Blogging and Social Media Expert, Steve Garfield Stops By:
Steve Garfield is the type of guy that had a vision and stuck to it, for no reason other than it’s what he enjoyed doing. Entrepreneur may not even be the appropriate word, but I’m sure that’s the label most will slap on him.Island Empress - How to be seen:
He stopped by Northeastern yesterday to explain his approach to video blogging, which is where he’s found much of his individual success. As he described it, he’s been doing it since 2004, before YouTube.
Blogging has become one of the most popular forms of social networking. Today, companies are trying to market to various demographics through websites like Twitter and Facebook. For inspiring media sensations, the most difficult part of blogging is getting people to follow your blog posts and comment on them. Steve Garfield, who I consider to be a Video Blogging Extraordinaire, was a guest speaker in our “Reinventing the News” class and shared his passion for blogging and offered some tips on how to get seen.Boston is a playground - Steve Garfield visits NU:
Steve Garfield, longtime video blogging expert, visited my Reinventing the News class. Garfield works with companies such as AT&T, Nokia, Kodak and and Panasonic, as well as media outlets like CBS, ABC and PBS. He came to our class to talk about taking video while reporting. The next chapter of the class will be on taking video, so Garfield kindly joined us to offer his words of wisdom.Elitist Scum - Taking the bull by the horns…:
Sometimes Garfield creates these reports on nothing more than his iPhone, streaming his videos through sources like and saving them to YouTube.this blog is a mover - Guest Speaker: Steve Garfield:
When asked how we can make vlogging into a career, Garfield replied that we should use these tools more to extend our reach in the world of web journalism.passion for fashion - The world of videoblogging:
“Get a job that pays you money,” he said. “This is your passion, that you should pursue in addition to that thing.”
Garfield emphasized that being able to make money off of the thing you love takes time. But investing time into something, even if you’re doing it for free, can often pay off in the long run, as it has for him.Update:
Steve Garfield is a video blogging expert who has been on the edge of the field since before YouTube (I know, I can’t remember that far back either, but it was only 2005!). He is the author of “Get Seen: Online Video Secrets to Building Your Business.” When he came and spoke to my class, he had some advice: Own your own name on the web (as he does, which you can see from the title of this post), and post, post, post, which clearly, I don’t always follow.
There are a bunch of solutions for the Mac:
Audio Hijack
Call Recorder
WireTap Pro
Here are solutions for the PC
Hot Recorder
Total Recorder
Steve Garfield of has been videoblogging since January 1, 2004, and as of January he is now a Kindle author. His new book, Get Seen: Online Video Secrets to Building Your Business, came out in Kindle and other eBook format as well as paper, published by Wiley. We spoke on February 9, 2010, by Skype (including a video recording I’ll post separately) and discussed how eBooks in the future may succeed in providing what I found myself describing as Engaged Social Reading. Steve’s next event promoting his book will be February 25 at 6:30 p.m. at Fenway Park, Boston.TKC 82 STEVE GARFIELD (VIDEO Excerpt):
This is part of the video recording for my interview with Steve Garfield. I am going to need to finish reading his book, Get Seen: Online Secrets to Building Your Business, in order to figure out how to improve the synchronization between the audio and video here.Len recorded this with Skype and saved it with Call Recorder. The audio needs to be synced a little in the video.