My Videoblogging History and Jimmy Fallon.
I began with a brief overview of how I got started in videoblogging, then told the story of how Jimmy Fallon used videoblogging to have a conversation with the audience when he was putting together Late Night With Jimmy Fallon.
As I told the story, and showed the videos, Jimmy saw the tagged #ESM activity on twitter and sent a shout out to the class.
Very cool!
Video Tools You Can Use.
I then got into showing the tools you can use to record and share video from the device you have in your pocket.
I gave a brief demonstration of the Kodak Zi8, Panasonic Fx-37 and iPhone.
Showed how you can use an XShot to do a crane shot.
I asked everyone in the class who had the ability to record video to come up to the front, then I described my thought process behind shooting a live video. Then as they videoed me, I showed how you can go live using Qik from an iPhone.
How Should Students brand themselves and use social media to get hired?
Answer: Look at what Yifei Zhang did when he wanted to get hired by Hubspot. He created a blog about him wanting to get hired by Hubspot, Hey Hubspot! That landed him an interview.
Emerson Social Media Blog Post: ESM Reaches 4.3 Million People.
Disclosure: Kodak, Panasonic and XShot
You can read some of these stories and learn how to put video online in my book, Get Seen: Online Video Secrets to Building Your Business.