They then use social media to share with their fans.
It gets people who don't stay up late enough to watch the show, to see the best bits.
Also, the videos that they post are short, so you don't have to commit a lot of time to watching.
Jimmy Fallon is smart to use YouTube to share, even on the Late Night with Jimmy Fallon NBC site
They are video blogging, or vlogging as the kids say.
Young Jimmy Fallon & Justin Timberlake Sing At Camp Winnipesaukee
Video on a blog post.
Young Jimmy Fallon & Justin Timberlake Sing At Camp Winnipesaukee currently has 715K views on YouTube.
Go to the Late Night YouTube page and you'll clearly see that the content was created for the show with YouTube distribution in mind.
The easiest way to see this is to look at the playlists that they have put together:
Justin Timberweek. Videos with Justin Timberlake.
Thank You Notes
Late Night Hashtags
Music on Late Night
Ask Jimmy - Web special answering fan questions
Night News Now
Web Exclusives
Playlists are a great way to highlight themed content on YouTube. [Tweet This!]
The other thing they do is create special cover version of songs with the artist.
Call Me Maybe - 15 Million Views
Blurred Lines - 11 Million Views
All I want For Christmas - 10 Million Views
Embedded YouTube video on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon on Facebook. This makes it easy for people to like and share.
Young Jimmy Fallon & Justin Timberlake Sing At Camp Winnipesaukee content on Facebook:
7,401 LIKES, 1,290 shares and 285 comments.
Sharing on Social Media
They are sharing on twitter [445,233 followers], facebook [660,157 likes], and tumblr [I don't see a counter].
Bonus for reading this far
Here they go again, Jimmy Fallon, Sesame Street & The Roots Sing "Sesame Street":
Jimmy Fallon and his producer Gavin Purcell are in my book, Get Seen:
Get Seen: Online Video Secrets to Building Your Business (New Rules Social Media Series)
Look inside: