The topic: Overdraft Protection
Bank of America
A call in to Bank of America brings me to a voice activated answering system which allows me to speak my replies to the verbal prompts rather than keying them in to my Princess phone. Once I work my way through the prompts I speak to an operator who already knows my identity by my caller ID.
This representative of Bank of America is very helpful and informs me that since I am signed up with an Advantage account, any overdraft transaction are FREE.
Sovereign Bank
A call in to Sovereign Bank requires me to key in my account information and then repeat that same information to a service representative. The represeantive informs me what overdraft protection is and the fact that I have it set up for my account. She continues, by informing me that I am saving money because the standard overdraft fee is $30, and by being signed up for overdraft protection I am saving $20 on each overdraft.
I inform her that I don't pay an overdraft fee at Bank of America and she tells me that the best I can get from Sovereign Bank is a $10 fee.
The decision is unanimous. Bank of America Wins!
Now if only they'd bring back Fleet Cash one button withdrawals of preselected amounts on ATM's.