"This week on Vlog Soup we start off with Boston Improv comedy group Hooray For Funn. Rich Pav walks to work in Japan. We sample Joi Ito TV. ABC News starts podcasting and discounts Rocketboom. We check in with The Young Turks, a Daily Internet Talk Show. Storypipe tries the news with jokes in front of a map format. Rynaldo Papoy is commenting on his countries political leaders. Girl with a movie camera covers the protests in France, up close. Port City PD brings high quality production values to a vlog police story. Aaron Valdez comments on media by remixing it. and Ze Frank single-handedly reshapes our expectations for what an intelligent news show can be."Yay!
Categories: Food | Travel | Beer | Wine | Boston | Humor | TV | Tech | Pop Culture | Politics | Golf | Video | Photo | Auto
Sponsored: Samsung | Cadillac | Volt | GMC | AT&T | Gear List: Cameras, Lights, Microphones, etc.
More: SteveGarfield.com | Steve Garfield's Video Blog (archived 6/19/2013)
“As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.” | Mastodon
Sponsored: Samsung | Cadillac | Volt | GMC | AT&T | Gear List: Cameras, Lights, Microphones, etc.
More: SteveGarfield.com | Steve Garfield's Video Blog (archived 6/19/2013)
“As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.” | Mastodon
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Soup is On: New Vlog Soup
Another free video tour of the vlogosphere is out, Vlog Soup: Episode 13: