ABC Video Player - No Links, originally uploaded by stevegarfield.
Here's a screen shot of my mom on ABC News.
Here's the video of my mom in the ABC Video Player.
This is great!
There is a problem with the ABC media player though, no links.
It's hard to imagine the reason that they neglect to link the video to the original ABC World News blog post with more background information to the story AND a link to my mom's blog.
That's videoblogging, video on a blog.
I know this media player isn't actually a videoblog, but it missed the main benefit that videoblogging brought to the web, linking and permalinks.
THe other problem that this media player has is that it doesn't allow embeds. You can't embed the videos, or segments of them on your own blog.
Since 2004, we've lost site of what videoblogging is. It's not just video on the web.
Videoblogging is video on a blog, usually video presented in reverse chronological order, optionally with supporting text , links and the ability to comment.