Here's how.
5 Steps to adding a Facebook LIKE button to an OLD Blogger page
1. Go to the the facebook DEVELOPERS Like Button page.
2. Fill in the fields:
For URL to Like enter REPLACETHIS for now. You replace that with this <$BlogItemPermalinkURL$> in the next step.
3. Click Get Code.
You'll get this code to copy:
4. Copy that and paste it into your Blogger HTML template.
Then replace REPLACETHIS with <$BlogItemPermalinkURL$>
You're done!
LIKE this post to try it. :-)
Further testing seems to indicate that something is wrong with this implementation. It's inconsistent. Sometimes 'like' works and sometimes it works on the second try.
I can't get like to stick on this post, can you?
Any help would be appreciated.
Update II:
Seems to be working now. Must have been something on the facebook hosting side. Let me know if you implement this on your site and I'll come try it out.