1. From your Flickr photo page, Copy the URL.
Flickr Page
In this example, the URL is http://www.flickr.com/photos/stevegarfield/4545228891/
2. Go to facebook, and Paste the URL into the box that says "What's on your mind?"
Facebook Page
When you do that, facebook will grab the photo form flickr and add it, a link to it, it's title and description, in a box, just below where you pasted in the URL.
Sometimes this doesn't work. You need to give Facebook a few moments to go grab the photo. Even after waiting, it might not work. For me, this works 90% of the time.
Facebook Page
3. Now you can Click SHARE to post this photo and it's details to facebook.
Optionally, you can now delete the URL in the box and type in some explanatory text in there. You can slso leave it in there too. Either way.
Here's the resulting page on Facebook.