I searched for a recipe to go by, and I found one by The Pioneer Woman, Roasted Beef Tenderloin. Everything I've ever tried of hers has come out great, and I know my friend CC Chapman swears by her.
So off we went.
We started by buying the beef tenderloin at The Meat House in Brookline.
It looked so good.
I veered from The Pioneer Woman's recipe and here's what I did and how it came out.
Here's the meat as it came from The Meat House. All trimmed up nice.
I generously sprinkled on Joe Davidson's original World Champion BBQ Rub.
I know, it looks like a LOT of seasoning, but when you cut through to serve it, you only get seasoning on the ends.
Next up, I added Lemon Pepper seasoning.
I placed it in a baking dish.
Didn't have a rack though.
Next I added in a meat thermometer.
I read on Wikipedia that you could either leave a meat thermometer in during cooking, or take the roast out of the oven to test the temperature.
I left it in. THAT was a mistake. ;-)
My thermometer was not oven proof and it melted. Yikes!
Image: Melted Thermometer
Next I cut up some potatoes and tossed them with olive oil, salt and pepper.
Added them to the baking dish.
After cooking for about 40 minutes:
Let it rest:
Then sliced.
Jeff Cutler liked it!