At least they've got Mish Michaels and Barry Burbank. And you can send in your storm stories and photos to
One another thing, the weather people say, "as you can see on the map, blah, blah blah." Well I can see a lot of white, but ORANGE and GREEN mean nothing to me.
5: You've got to hand it to channel 5, they've got the best live reports around. They also got old standbys Dick Albert and Harvey Leonard, and I do mean old.
7: Hello Christa Delcamp!
Juli Auclair and Phil Lipof make an informative easy going anchor team, good job. Linda Ergas is a really great reporter.
25: One word: Bianca de la Garza.
38: Sara Underwood and Ted Wayman are a super team. Sara's my favorite!
56: Do they even have a news team?
NECN: A note to the weather guy - I know this is a big storm and all but please, take a breath!
I also find it disconcerting watching NECN because you never know when it's live and when it's on tape. I know it would be giving away their secrets if they had a little bug on the screen saying LIVE, but I'd like to know.