The first public beta version of FireANT, an RSS video aggregator and media player, was released on Tuesday May 17, 2005, for Windows XP. FireANT is the follow up to ANT, the popular software application for viewing videoblogs on Mac OS X.This is exciting news for Windows XP users.
FireANT is the first software application that comes complete RSS subscription, Video Search, and the ability to sync media onto the Sony PSP and Apple iPod. It was produced by the ANT's Not Television team, which includes New Yorkers Jay Dedman, Joshua Kinberg, and Erik Radmall, and Amsterdam resident, Daniel Salber."This is a brand new media platform," says Dedman, a videoblog evangelist and community TV educator with Manhattan Neighborhood Network (MNN). "Its really about expanding the possibilities of communication through video. FireANT is like an open stage for digital filmmakers, video artists, citizen journalists, videobloggers, and anyone who simply wants to share their home movies with friends and family."
"The amazing thing about FireANT is the way it transforms the chaotic and distributed world of Internet video into something that is both cinematic and interactive," says Radmall. "I can now browse, search, subscribe to, and consume a vast array of media content never available like this before! Then I can sync to a PSP and carry it in my pocket!"
Get FireANT, Subscribe To and Download some RSS 2.0 feeds with enclosures, and Watch the videos that will automatically be delivered to your computer as they are produced by your selected feed producer.
If you are using some old carppy browser like Netscape 7.1, RIGHT-CLICK on the download link to save the install file to your disk.
Also, FireANT DOES NOT RUN ON Windows 2000. :-(