Now, I don't even use a blog feed reader. The interesting posts from my friends pop up in my social media stream.
Recently I came across an old blogging friend from England, Bloggerheads. He used to be on my sidebar. This prompted me to look at my blog's HTML code to look at who else I used to follow. I'd commented out the blogroll years ago. Keep in mind, I started this blog 11 hers ago in November of 2000.
Hey. November 30, 2011 is my 11 year Blogger blog anniversary! Here's my first month of blogging. BTW, lots of my images from the past 10 years are going to go away when Apple discontinues iDisk support. Not sure what I'm going to do about that.
I started blogging by hand back in 1997. ;-)
Here's the blog roll. Let's go through it together and see if we can find any gems still maintaining their sites. Leave a comment if you find something you like.
random blog - DEAD LINK
blogdex - DEAD LINK
clix - DEAD LINK
daypop - DEAD LINK - Recently updated weblogs - Still working.
Related Links - This service has been disabled due to tens of thousands of postings by spammers.
amazon ads that directly relate to recent posts - Fun old experiment
Daily Source Code - Adam Curry's Podcast. - Last updated 2009
Adam Curry - Website.
Imogen Heap - She Rocks!
J-Walk - Lots-O-Stuff. - One of my old favorites!
Drudge Report - WRONG!
boingboing - Wonderful.
fimoculous - Feeding us. - STILL GREAT!
MetaFilter - Meme generator.
fark - Boobies.
Jack Hodgson - Boston blogger.
bloggerheads - Chasing Bush.
random abstract - Deterministic.
The Ultimate Insult - Fun finds.
apparentlynothing - London.
Wil Wheaton - Author.
Elin Nordegren
Sexiest 100 - Dead Link
Angelina Jolie wet! - Dead Link
whatevs - Hot content. - Dead Link
information leafblower - Life. - Dead Link
newyorkish - Dead Link
lindsayism - Esoteric gossip.
greengrl - Exploding Sun.
Silly Globe - D'oh! - Dead Link
Scripting News - Dave Winer.
The Presurfer - Daily diversion. - Dead Link - Uncommon sense.
Utter Wonder - c monks. - Dead Link
Doc Searls - Dead Link
The Blank OTD
geekman - With fries. - Dead Link
Bradleys Almanac - Music.
jaggle - Babes + Games.
Mark Bernstein - Web scientist.
DrikoLand - Pop culture.
Sarah Hatter - Breathe In.
Halley's Comment - Halley Suitt.
Signal vs. Noise - Clean design.
fluke - Zoom. - Dead Link
The Blueprint - A girl. - Dead Link
MovieJuice - Mark Ramsey. - Dead Link
Sooz - Party planner.
bitter-girl - Not bitter.
Lisa Williams - Writing in 2035.
Computer Toaster - Serving jelly. - Dead Link
Sore Eyes - Sees a lot.
PVRblog - I love TiVo.
oddments - Other stuff.
Movie Juice - Juicy news.
sugar-n-spicy - Neato images.
JimFormation - Rehabing home.
heath row - Off to NYC.
anil dash - TypePad guy.
jason shellen - Blogger guy.
Will's Thrills - Geek guy. - Dead Link
The Agitator - Radley Balko.
Attu Sees All - Maniac.
Jeff from Well - Music man.
Everlasting Blort - Pic and Link.
chapel perilous - Polyblog. - Dead Link
hatchetation - Local stuff.
Evhead - Mr. Blogger.
Laquidara - Matress Man.
parallaxview - English guy. - Sweet Dude.
a smitty - Newspaper guy.
NextDraft - News psychologist.
Craplog - Not so good. - Dead Link
tokyo-ouja - Unique. - Dead Link
stylesheet: DV - Digital Video.
Roger Avary - Movie maker. - Dead Link
kingblind - Music news.
noahgrey - Photographer.
technoerotica - Dead link. - Dead Link
digitalnap - Photo blog. - Dead Link
3bruces - Beer drinkers. - Dead Link
Reacharound - Conceptual. - Dead Link
Salted Wound - Mini-blog too.
Andrew Sullivan - Newsy.
Campaign Desk - Dead Link
John Hilowitz - Dead Link
Disturbing Search - Dead Link
Drudge Retort
Ken Layne
Plastic - Dead Link
SHWF - Dead Link
gleanings - Dead Link
NetWatch - Dead Link
1&1 Hosting
Fast Food Fever
Ravi Jain
Movie Juice
Sports by Brooks
feedster - Dead Link
Eugene Mirman
Odd Todd
flak magazine
Aint To Proud
Pure Listener - Takeshi in Japan.
David Grenier - Dead Link
Exploding Dog
Barry Crimmins
News Blues
Backwash - Dead Link
Europe Travel
Robot Wisdom
CSM War Update - Dead Link
Bush or Chimp - DEAD LINK