"This is a reminder for the next BIG Boston Media Makers meeting on Sunday April 2nd from 10 AM - 12 Noon at Sweet Finnish in Jamaica Plain.This week we have a couple of out of state guests, Jonny Goldstein and Kosso!
This meeting is for people who are interested in videoblogging. We’ve got a great local group of videobloggers who enjoy getting together to share what they are doing. Join us!"
Sponsored: Samsung | Cadillac | Volt | GMC | AT&T | Gear List: Cameras, Lights, Microphones, etc.
More: SteveGarfield.com | Steve Garfield's Video Blog (archived 6/19/2013)
“As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.” | Mastodon
Friday, March 31, 2006
Meet the Vloggers - Boston
A Video A Day
"April 3-9, seven days of vlogging. One video a day!"Technorati Tag: videobloggingweek2006
Crime Watch Boston
"Welcome to the Official Neighborhood Crime Watch website of the Boston Police Department, BostonCrimeWatch.comWatch it!
On this site you will find information about the Neighborhood Crime Watch program, the 18th Annual Poster Contest, National Night Out Boston 2006, safety tips and other important information."
Thursday, March 30, 2006
- (tags: podcasting audio)
- On 1 april 2006, we want you to take a picture of everything you put in your mouth. we do not care what goes in, just take a picture.(tags: oralpixation photo)
- A formally innovative feature film experience, the Beastie Boys handed out 50 cameras to audience members at their sold-out performance in New York’s famed Madison Square Garden in October 2004. These 50 different passionate perspectives shot from the p
- Lightbox JS is a simple, unobtrusive script used to overlay images on the current page. It's a snap to setup and works on all modern browsers.
- The many faces of Amy Carpenter.
Crappy Customer Service
I have issues with Bank of America too. Here they are:
1. No more Fleet Cash.Thank you for your attention to these matters.
When Bank of America took over from Fleet/Shawmut/Nank Boston/Bank of NE/It's been so long ago I forget the name Bank, BOA changed the ATMs and removed the FLEET CASH option. With that option you were able to key in your PIN # on an ATM and then press FLEET CASH. Money would pop out and you'd get your card back and a receipt. Pretty sweet. Then BOA came on and did away with that option.
Now it takes a gagillion key strokes to get money out of the ATM. What is ironic is that at the time of hte change, a VP of BOA was on TV telling us that they has testing labs working to help make your ATM transaction faster. IF I was grading the BOA ATM testing labs I'd give them an F. Total failure.
2. No more postage stamps available on ATMs.
3. Confusing statements.
Please! Can someone who sued to work at Fleet help redesign the bank statements.
4. Online banking.
Hello. I am always using the same computer to access online banking. I know it's a Macintosh, but can't you just remember my Login ID?
5. Safety image.
Instead of making me choose one of your lame clip art photos as my online security image, how about alloing me to upload one that means something to me?
Video: Heat Vision and Jack
Good thing this was uploaded prior to YouTube's new 10 minute length restriction.
Heat Vision and Jack was created as a 1999 pilot for Fox. Written by Dan Harmon and Rob Schrab, directed by Ben Stiller, this series was passed over by Fox despite critical acclaim from those who've been lucky enough to see it.I love this!
The 30 minute pilot is about an astronaut (played by Jack Black) with a medical secret who is on the run from the evil Ron Silver and the rest of NASA, with the help of a talking motorcycle called Heat Vision (voiced by Owen Wilson).
Pan and Scan says:
In what's almost certain to become the web's next viral video sensation, the full thirty minute pilot for "Heat Vision and Jack," the legendary rejected Fox pilot produced by Ben Stiller and starring Jack Black and Owen Wilson (as a talking motorcycle) has been posted by a fan to YouTube and is quickly making the online rounds.That's not right since it was a viral web video already. Now that it's on YouTube, it's just a broadcast video.
Holland says that it's only viral if it's passed on from person to person [ NSFW ].
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
You say MSFT, I say AAPL
An Early Video Enclosure Experiment
Back in November of 2004 I started experimenting with adding video enclosures to RSS.
Here's a post about my father from a testing vlog I set up, Steve Garfield's VideoPodcast.
I don't think I ever posted a link to it over here.
Links for 2006-03-29
- The FCC doesn't want you to see this. The deleted scenes from "The Bedford Diaries."
- (tags: podcasting)
- Mmm Beer. This place is great.(tags: beer restaurant)
- YouTube is highlighting a short clip of "Cybersmack," a new segment in The Soup that highlights user-generated, viral video clips
- Award-winning writers and comedians will write and send emails for you.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Link for 2006-03-28
- Real-time blog statistics. Bre Pettis says I should try it. So I will.(tags: blog statistics)
American Idol Uses Rehearsal Footage
"...many viewers have noticed that the montages at the end of the live Tuesday performance shows sometimes don’t match their actual performance. As FOX confirmed to my MSNBC colleague Gael Cooper, that is, in fact, different footage. She writes that the montage “is put together using dress rehearsal footage, not shots from the performances viewers just watched. It’s merely a time-saver, said a network representative, noting that production staff can’t assemble the montage quickly enough using same-night footage, since the show is live.”"Maybe they should call up FOX Sports to see if they can borrow their instant replay equipment?
Lindsay is Interesting and Important
When I was a teenager, I was a junior counselor at a sports camp in North Carolina. On the first day of camp, the entire staff was given copies of Dale Carnegie's 1936 self-help book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, one of the bestselling books of all time. The camp director told us it was one of the most important books we would ever read. I read the whole thing in a couple days and have tried to read it every few years since then. Recently, I got the book on tape from audible.com and have been walking around the Lower East Side listening on my ipod (I'm just realizing how dorky that is.)"Go read what lessons Lindsay's learned from reading the book.
I remember that my mom liked it too.
Monday, March 27, 2006
What I learned from Craiglisting
I learned a lot.
1. There are a people who are avid craigslisters. Watching the lists for things to buy. One of the people who bought a rug from us furnished her whole apratment vis craigslist.
2. Make sure you tell people to bring a friend to be able to carry out their purchase. For a huge console TV and a rug, I was enlisted to help carry it out to the waiting car.
3. Make sure you check with your significant other about the wording on your post. Although a rug might look like an 'oriental' to you, it's not. A bed that looks like a Queen to you could just be a Full in disguise.
4. People who enter your home are interested in all the details about it. Do you own? Do you rent? How many rooms do you have? What did you have for dinner?
5. You've got to manage the inflow of emails in response to your ad. It's like a full time job if you price it right. Make sure you keep straight who is coming when and if they are just coming to look, or are going to buy.
Thanks Craig.
Your site works really well for cleaning out an apartment in a few days.
Spring is Budding
Spring is Budding by stevegarfield, uploaded from flickr.
I took a walk in the Arnold Arboretum at lunch and shot some pictures of Spring springing.
I cropped a version of this shot for the masthead.
Links for 2006-03-27
- (tags: photo photography)
- The short program shows a typical news stand where many Beijing residents purchase newspapers and magazines, and includes short interviews with a news stand operator and two customers.
- ZDNet Executive Editor David Berlind suggests that CRAP or Content, Restriction, Annulment, and Protection, is a catchier phrase than DRM - Digital Rights Management. Why does he think this technology is crap? Once you've bought music or other content to
- That planet was pretty hot!(tags: movie)
My Elvis Costello Story
John Winskowicz just emailed me to say that he posted a video of me, at Fray Cafe at SXSW, telling the story of going to my first Elvis Costello concert. John says, "Congrats on telling a fun story and running a very entertaining site! AND for being one of the people to inspire me to start vlogging!."
Thanks John!
I love Craigslist
I met some really nice people. Craigslisters you could call them. I really had no idea how powerful Craigslist is.
So today I've embraced everything that is good about the internet and participatory culture by listing the rest of the contents of the apartment we are renting.
Everything has got to go by April 1st.
I'm sure we'll have no problem now that Craifg and his list is helping me. Thanks Craig.
Here are my new listings on Craigslist:
Mar-27 Girlie Girls Bedroom Set (Bed, dresser, mirror, desk) - $150 (Jamaica Plain) pic
Mar-27 Wooden armed upholstered chair - $35 (Jamaica Plain) pic
Mar-27 Small Dresser - $25 (Jamaica Plain) pic
Mar-27 Twin Bed - $100 (Jamaica Plain) pic
Mar-27 Blue Oriental Rug - $40 (Jamaica Plain) pic
Mar-27 Golden Oriental Rug - $30 (Jamaica Plain) pic
Mar-27 FREE Zenith System 3 Console TV 25" (Jamaica Plain) pic
Mar-27 Zenith 24" Color Console TV - $30 (Jamaica Plain) pic
iTunes only plays on iPod
"Apple has kept its iPod ecosystem closed; iPod owners cannot use their players to listen to music downloads bought from competing music services. Apple may someday have to adjust that strategy or face the wrath of consumers who want more control over the tunes and videos they buy through iTunes."I think the author really meant to say that music downloads from the iTunes Music Store can only play on the iPod, rather than saying songs bought elsewhere can't play on iPods.
I can play mp3's on there that I download from non-DRM services.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
- For those that want ot create an RSS feed with creating a blog.(tags: RSS)
- the FIRST full res 640x480 HD 6 layer realtime vj app
Inside Man : What Happened?
From the Metacritic site:
Inside ManI'cw got a lot of questions.
Universal Pictures
Starring Denzel Washington, Clive Owen, Jodie Foster, Willem Dafoe, Christopher Plummer, and Chiwetel Ejiofor
Acclaimed actors Denzel Washington, Clive Owen and Jodie Foster come together to explore the lure of power, the ugliness of greed and the mystery of a perfect robbery in this combustible new crime drama.
One is: What happend at the end?
Let's talk over in the comments so we don't ruin the ending for casual browsers.
Inside Man - Official Site.
Three Comfy Chairs - FREE - Think Archie Bunker
I'm going Craigslist crazy. Everything must go!
Three Comfy Chairs - FREE - Think Archie Bunker: "Three Comfy Chairs - Think Archie Bunker
Reply to: sale-145315637@craigslist.org
Date: 2006-03-26, 8:05AM EST
Take your pick:1. Formal type living room chair2. Less formal comfy chair
3. Barkalounger-type chair, has piece missing that I don't think is a big deal.
Come get one or all three... "
Retro Dining Room Set, Sideboard and Bar
Just posted to Craigslist:Retro Dining Room Set, Sideboard and Bar:
"Retro Dining Room Set, Sideboard and Bar - $175
Reply to: sale-145314032@craigslist.org
Date: 2006-03-26, 7:42AM EST
This dining room set was cool in the 50's, now it's cool again.
Dining room table with (1) leaf, (6) chairs, sideboard and mini bar.
The mini bar is cool, the top flips open to create a long drink serving area.
At $175 this will go fast.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
The FCC Doesn't Like Girls
Steve Garfield's Video Blog: The FCC Doesn't Like Girls:
The FCC doesn't want you to see this.
The deleted scenes from 'The Bedford Diaries.'"
Friday, March 24, 2006
Links for 2006-03-24
- Design your own hoodie lettering.(tags: clothes)
- French street protests.
- A podcast how-to tutorial and guide to about 70 products and services by David Scott Lewis.
- So-called video blogging on cellphones in Italy. Looks like it has a video comment feature. If I was in Italy I'd try it.
- Watch the uncut version of The Bedford Diaries that FCC doesn't want you to see, online now, prior to the series premiere Wednesday March 29 on the WB.
For Rent: Pondside Victorian
$2000 / 3br - Very spacious and extra special apartment in lovely Pondside Victorian
This extraordinary apartment is in a well-maintained, owner-occupied two-family, and in one of the most desirable Pondside locations.Pondside - a photoset on Flickr.
The residence is on two-levels and offers the privacy and amenities of a single family home.
Devo 2.0
Out today, Walt Disney Records, Devo 2.0.
[ Beware: Songs play when site is visited ]
Rolling Stone calls it, "Pointless."
Phil Trubey's Home Theater
On the HDTV and Home Theater Podcast they talk to and take a look at Phil Trubey's home theater.
It was featured on Rocketboom yesterday. This is pretty amazing.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Snakes on a Plane Music Videos
Zebro Snakes on a Plane Music Video contest plus Joe Wong, Myq Kaplan, Sean Sullivan, Elisha's grandma (for real though), the Angry Tap Dancer, and funniez.
Tuesday March 28th at Improv Boston theatre.
I Love Rocketboom
Rocketboom Thu, 23 Mar 2006
the municator, popurls, scoty robot, celebrity look-a-like, coffee art, home theater, monty python coconut orchestraIf you haven't seen Rocketboom yet, today is a good day to watch!
Listening to American Idol
I taped (recorded on TiVo) American Idol last night on the local HD channel 825 instead of regular broadcast channel 25.
But I don't subscribe to HD programming.
So I got sound but no video.
Didn't matter.
Fast forward to the last 5 minutes.
Free iTunes
Apple attacks plan to open iTunes:
"On Tuesday French lawmakers voted 296 to 193 in support of a law that would stop Apple, plus any other firm selling music downloads, using proprietary software to limit what people can do with tracks they have bought."On a Free Culture Forum panel today at Northeastern University, Lawrence Lessig said, "Go France!" when asked about this.
He says that despite thier, Rip/Mix/Burn advertising, Apple isn't being too nice by only letting iTunes songs play on iPods.
Links for 2006-03-23
- Collaboration and conversation with a local community of web and new media designers and developers.
- Broadband Video Commercial Measurement Guidelines(tags: video advertising)
- This guy wants to get into the premier of the movie Snakes on a Plane(tags: blog moviepromo)
- Enter your song for a chance to have it featured in the movie Snales on a Plane. TagWorld is the new MySpace.
- The look, feel, and functionality of Microsoft Word, in a completely web-based AJAX platform. Try ajaxWrite today, and experience first-hand how AJAX applications are changing the way the web works, and redefining the software industry.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Don't Fear Online Communities
"There was and continues to be some level of fear and even fear mongering around online groups, particularly those for teens. MySpace has repeatedly come under attack as a dark and dangerous place for teens. My older teen children use MySpace, FaceBook and other tools and I have to say, the fear mongering for me is a continued reflection of the US environment where fear is a political tactic. My message to parents: stay involved with and talk to your kids. These online spaces are part of their reality."
Future Rich Guys Hates Spending
Here's what I hate spending money on:
I hate manually paying my monthly water bill. All my other monthly bills are automatically deducted from my checking account. For some reason the Boston Water nad Sewer Commission can't seem to figure out how to allow automatic payments. Hello?
I hate having to tip a valet to get my car back when there is no other option for public parking available. It's not the actual tipping of the valet who provides a service that makes me mad, it's the fact that I'm forced into paying for parking when I could easily pull my car into the lot myself, but the restaurant creates the requirement that I must use valet parking. Vintage and Capital Grille, I'm talking to you.
When getting my annual state required car inspection, I hate having to pay for new wiper blades because the old ones, 'leave streaks.'
I hate paying for a beer that is delivered without a head on it.
Links for 2006-03-22
- Email Newsletter and List Management Software for Web Designers(tags: email)
- About web design and standards
- The ExpressionEngine Core version is free for personal use, and free for anyone wishing to try it, so download a copy today and kick the tires. You just might discover that ExpressionEngine is exactly what you've been looking for.
EE Logo - Nice design(tags: blog)
- Community site for hosting audio, video, photos and blogs.
- Peer 2 peer video network that ViedoEgg just bought.(tags: video)
- Now you can use VideoEgg with your own site instead of havign to use TypePad. Safari only for Mac.
- Just saw this on unmediated. I might have posted this earlier. If I did, here it is again, if not, here it is.(tags: video)
Hello bunny mcintosh
Tony Pierce links to my video interview of him at SXSW and his picture of bunny mcintosh caught my eye.
My American Idol Winners and Losers
My American Idol Top Eight:
Chris - I liked how he made his song his own, dog. ;-)
Ace - Hello ladies.
Katharine - My favorite.
Mandisa - She can sing.
Kellie - Her personality shines through. "Look at that pickle!"
Paris - Great voice, but dressing to old.
Taylor - Love him, but bad song choice.
Kevin - Wow. Before this song I thought he was the worst. Not now. ;-)
My Bottom Three:
Elliott - Does nothing for me.
Lisa - You'd see this act on a cruise ship. ;-)
Bucky - He's gone.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Links for 2006-03-21
- HD-DVD and Blu-Ray will utilize the AACS DRM system, which is a giant step backwards for fair use and continues Hollywood's ongoing battle against their paying customers.
- SMARTReporter is an application that can warn you of ATA hard-drive failures before they actually happen! It does so by periodically polling the S.M.A.R.T.-status of your hard-drives.(tags: Macintosh)
- The PX 100 is a pair of open, dynamic supra-aural mini headphones for mobile players. Their outstanding sound reproduction and foldable design make them ideal for outdoor use and travelling.(tags: Macintosh)
- The Boiler Room Lounge in Foster's Steakhouse, The Common Man Restaurants of New Hampshire.(tags: people restaurant)
- (tags: web)
- I'm writing this on my Apple Powerbook to tell you that the Writers Guild of America doesn't like product placement too much.
- Horray For Funn!
- It is a 146$ Linux computer (Thinix OS) from China
- Here's where you can watch the videos that were recorded by the SXSW staff.
Donation plugin for WordPress
This is very cool.
The more you donate the higher you are listed on the sidebar.
I first saw it used over on cebitvideo.com.
Free Hao Wu
Ethan Zuckerman tells us that he has started a Free Hao Wu site to tell bloggers and journalists about Hao Wu's detention in China:
"My Global Voices colleague Hao Wu (who wrote on GV as Tian Yi) has been held in detention in China since February 22nd. He was detained by the Beijing department of the State Security Bureau - no charges have been filed, and we don’t know why he’s being detained. We believe his detention is connected to a documentary he had been filming about underground churches in China… but it also may have been connected to his personal blog, or to his work with Global Voices."Free Hao Wu!
Monday, March 20, 2006
Fall TV Preview
I like to try to determine if I'll like a new TV series by reading the 1-2 line descriptions and seeing who is involved. Read the whole article for the complete list.
Here are shows that I'm interested in checking out.
Brothers & Sisters
A family soap opera. Ken Olin is an executive producer. The high-profile cast includes Balthazar Getty, Calista Flockhart and Patricia Wettig. [ Steve says: I used to like Sisters ]
Play Nice
An odd couple brother and sister run a family toy company together. Swoosie Kurtz and Fred Willard star.
You’ve Reached the Elliots
Chris Elliot plays a husband and father who tries to find a way to spend more time with his family without totally abandoning his modest showbiz career. [ Steve says: Chris Elliot usually rules ]
A mushroom cloud appears on the horizon, isolating a small town and plunging its residents into social, psychological and physical chaos.
The CW
Split Decision
A 15-year-old girl splits her life in two and assumes two distinct personas -- one a sensitive misfit, the other a popular cheerleader. Aaron Spelling is executive-producer. [ Steve says: You can't beat this theme ]
In this Darren Star production, a family of five is on the run. After the father is unjustly convicted of a violent crime, they are forced to use secret identities to avoid the law. [ Steve says: The Fugitive: Family Style ]
The Worst Week of My Life
The series, told in seven-episode arcs, traces the weeks prior to a married couple’s major life events (their wedding, the birth of their first child, moving into their first home). Each episode represents a day. [ Steve says: I loved the British version ]
Tina Fey Project
Tina Fey stars as a producer of a fictional TV show in this workplace comedy. [ Steve says: Tina Fey Rules ]
Andy Barker, P.I.
Andy Richter stars as a C.P.A. accidentally turned P.I. Conan O’Brian is an executive producer. [ Steve says: Bring back Andy Richter! ]
Studio 60
An all-star cast including Matthew Perry, Amanda Peet, Steven Weber and D.L. Hughley portray the drama that goes on behind the scenes of a late-night sketch comedy series. Aaron Sorkin and Thomas Schlamme (both producers on the "West Wing") executive produce.
The Hilton Family Inactivated Me
"Your account was found in our inactive account system. In an effort to offer the benefits that you have grown accustom to and effectively manage program costs, HHonors does require activity in the form of one eligible stay or HHonors point earnings through any of our HHonors sponsored credit cards at least once every 12 months. If this requirement is not met on any HHonors account, all points are forfeited."I don't understand the cost/benefit of making my account inactive. I guess they get the benefit of deleting everybody's points each year for inactive accounts. The cost though is the feeling a member gets when s/he goes to check in and finds out they are no longer a member adn there is no record of their account. Even worse is the fact that the receptionist at the front desk has no idea why my membership looks like it does not exist.
In fact, the hotel clerk asked if he could keep my membership card from 1988 since Hilton was an Olympic Sponsor that year. Lame.
I just looked up the rules for Marriott, and they say that an account may be closed, and all points deleted, if no points are accrued during a 24-month period.
I've never had a problem with Marriott closing my account, but I stay there a lot too.
Gustav Mahler and Me
Gustav Mahler and Me by stevegarfield, uploaded from flickr.
I tried out MyHeritage.com where they do a facical recognition to see which celebrities you look like. At 54%, I most resemble Gustav Mahler. Coming in second was Joan Crawford and in third place was Anders Fogh Rasmussen.
MyHeritage is a genealogy site. Maybe Gustav and I are related.
He's from Austria where my grandfather was from.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Photograph People in Public
New Media Musings: The right to photograph in public:
"The Sunday New York Times recounts a recent significant legal ruling upholding the right to photograph people in public places: The Theater of the Street, the Subject of the Photograph."I was just talking about this the other day and am glad to hear that it's been resolved.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Wil Wheaton's Blog, for now
WWdN: In Exile:
"Wil Wheaton's not-so-temporary back up blog, updated frequently while WWdN undergoes redesign and renovation."
Listening to RocketBoom in the airport
Listening to RocketBoom in the airport by betsythedevine, uploaded from flickr.
I love my new upcoming.org shirt, and the little sidebar thingy that lets you see what events I'm planning on going to.
See it?
It's over on the right hand sidebar.
The Elderbloggers Un-Panel at SXSWi
It includes some of my feedback on the panels I sat in on at SXSWi.
Here's my comment:
Hi Ronni,
Your panel session could have lasted for at least another hour because of all the great input from those in attendance. I am a HUGE fan of the unconference and run meetings here in Boston for media makers in that manner. The first hour is spent going around the room hearing about what people are doing. It's great!
At SXSWi, I also could see the benefit of a well run panel. It all hinges on the moderator.
The panelists are up there for a reason. They have a story to tell. Those panelists that told stories were my favorites, while those who read statistics and college thesis off of pieces of paper were not.
Also, those panelists that read prepared speeches were boring.
For moderators, those that let boring panelists drone on did not do their job. Those moderators that allowed each person on the panel to answer an audience question just took time away from more audience interaction. Having each panelist say something in response to an audience question isn't the way to go.
Also, if you are on a panel, talk INTO the microphone. Please. I do not understand why panelists do not know enough to talk into the microphone, even after being told to.
The elderblogger panel/audience interaction was great and it's only flaw was that it was too short.
Here's a new site I just happened across yesterday, via Abby, regarding families telling stories. Maybe you can take some time to check it out.
Family Routes.
If it's any good let us know.
90 bottles of water and cans of tuna
"March 14, 2006 - Robert G. Webster is one of the few bird flu experts confident enough to answer the key question: Will the avian flu switch from posing a terrible hazard to birds to becoming a real threat to humans?Maybe I should get some canned salmon too?
There are 'about even odds at this time for the virus to learn how to transmit human to human,' he told ABC's 'World News Tonight.' Webster, the Rosemary Thomas Chair at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tenn., is credited with being the first scientist to find the link between human flu and bird flu.
'I personally believe it will happen and make personal preparations,' said Webster, who has stored a three-month supply of food and water at his home in case of an outbreak.
'Society just can't accept the idea that 50 percent of the population could die. And I think we have to face that possibility,' Webster said. 'I'm sorry if I'm making people a little frightened, but I feel it's my role.'"
Friday, March 17, 2006
Ambulance LTD Rocks!
New English EP
Ambulance LTD TVT Records
Download "New English" (MP3, 192kbps) BUY THIS ALBUM.
I'm exploring the IODA Promonet and they provide code snippets for me to share new music with you. First song I listened to was this one. Very cool.
I might just have to start up a new music podcast like CC Chapman. Might be fun. I haven't been on air in a while... Stay tuned.
Remix This!
"Peter Gabriel's Real World Records has launched a beta site that invites users to download loops and remix artist songs."Peter Gabriel has hte right idea.
I'm listening to Afro Celt Sound System right now. I wouldn't have been otherwise.
I bet lots of others are listening now too.
Listen over at the Real World Remixed download page.
Creative Commons License Holds Up In Court
"The first known court decision involving a Creative Commons license was handed down on March 9, 2006 by the District Court of Amsterdam. The case confirmed that the conditions of a Creative Commons license automatically apply to the content licensed under it."Congratulations Adam Curry.
Artists like Mashups but Lawyers don't
Derek writes aboout The Future of Darknets panel at SXSW,in Just a Thought: SXSW to MPAA: STFU:
"There are these industries of middlemen - RIAA, MPAA - that claim to 'protect artists' but what they're really protecting is themselves. Artists (and I include myself in that word) need to rise up and tell these people to go get stuffed. We can decide when a mashup is perfectly fine with us. We can decide to embrace file traders to build awareness of our work. We don't need you anymore. You're just holding us back.I hope that the MPAA comes up with a way to allow artists to use portions of movies and TV shows in our work.
After all, when we allow these industry groups to frame the debate about the internet and file trading as artists versus pirates, it's a false dichotomy. No one in that angry audience in Austin wants to dupe a movie to sell it on the street. That's piracy. We just want to put movies on our hard drives and iPods, share our mix CDs with each other (just like we used to do with tapes), and mash that funny video with that cool song to produce something new, something we'll give away for free."
How about taking a look at Creative Commons? You still get to keep your copyright.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
We are all in debt
"The Bush administration is leading the country down 'a reckless course of crushing debt, deficit-financed tax cuts and increasing the burden on the middle class,' Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, a New York Democrat, said.
The Treasury estimates it will borrow $427 billion in fiscal 2006 and $373 billion in fiscal 2007 to fund government operations"
Free Jill Carroll
"Jill is not a blogger but she's got that spirit. She's an independent intellect who is fascinated by the world and has a desire to speak what she sees. So let's not leave it up to the newspapers and television stations. She's ours as much as theirs."
TSA found my jacket
It's my favorite Microsoft [ SUBSCRIBE ] jacket that I got at last year's Gnomedex.
After getting back to Boston, from SXSW, I gave TSA a call with the jacket's description.
They called this morning and told me to drop by to pick it up.
Reunited and it feels so good.
Happy Saint Patrick's day to the receptionist at Massport!
Call for a better rate
It turns out that if you call on the phone, you can get a better rate.
Herald - $66 for 24 weeks.
The online rate is $47.88 for 12 weeks or extending that, $95.88 for 24 weeks. So we saved $29.76.
Globe - $100 for 6 months, that's 50% off.
The best rate for the Globe on the paper bill that I got in the mail was 20% off for 52 weeks. The 26 week rate on the paper bill was $175.50, so I saved $75.
That's a total savings of $104.76
Thanks Carol.
The Fred Toucher Watch
"Anyway the tapes of our show have made their way around the industry. Radio companies have been very kind. In fact we are flying to a major North Eastern city on Sunday to meet with station brass. "Fred Toucher on MySpace.
Rich Shertenlieb on MySpace.
Slots at racetracks are a losing bet
Steve Poftak writes in today's Boston Globe, Massachusetts' great gambling giveaway:
"IF THE MASSACHUSETTS Legislature wrote a billion-dollar check to the casino industry, people would be outraged. But the gambling bill, awaiting action in the House after receiving Senate approval, threatens to give away more than $1 billion in value by charging an inordinately low fee for the four proposed licenses."I've written about this before. Handing over slot licenses to racetracks is so wrong.
Bring the Apple Store to Boston
"Commissioner Dell Mitchell objected to the way that the store would light up Boylston at night. It would be quite an anomaly. There would be a lot of light emanating from the building, and that's unnatural in this type of neighborhood."Back in the days when Apple had local resellers, I worked at Northeast Computer Stores on Boylston Street selling the Macintosh. We had big windows which allowed you to look inside the store.
Boston needs an Apple Store on Boylston Street. I love the idea of an open store that is an extension thehte street welcoming people in for free Wi-Fi with a theatre.
In fact, when I was out at Apple Headquarters, I asked them to come to town and build such a store. Now that they want to, I'll go to any meeting needed to voice my opinion that downtown Boston should have an Apple store.
I'm especially excited about the theatre. As the originator of the Meet the Vloggers sessions, the Boylston Street location would be a great venue to teach people about sharing their stories with videoblogs.
Apple, please come to Boston in the springtime.
Back Bay Architectural Commission, take a look thehte picture and tell me that an Apple store that looks like this wouldn't be better than the Copy Copy that's currently there.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Rocketboom Voice Over: The Man 3
I recorded this voice over for the evil "THE MAN" character for today's Rocketboom TRM Commercial, but they didn't use it either.
You will hear me as the Announcer though.
MP3 File
Rocketboom Voice Over: The Man 2
I recorded this voice over for the evil "THE MAN" character for today's Rocketboom TRM Commercial, but they didn't use it either.
You will hear me as the Announcer though.
MP3 File
Rocketboom Voice Over: The Man
I recorded this voice over for the evil "THE MAN" character for today's Rocketboom TRM Commercial, but they didn't use it.
You will hear me as the Announcer though.
MP3 File
I Can't Open It: Progresso Soup
I Can't Open It: Progresso Soup:
"Progresso Soup has new packaging to allow you to heat up your soup in the microwave.I take after my mom.
The only problem is that you can't open it."
AOL Television: In2TV: Requires Windows XP
"In2TV: What You Need to Watch VideoUpgrade?
You have received this page because you do not have the necessary software to watch video on In2TV -- the first broadband TV network. AOL has included rights protection on all In2TV video content and you need Windows XP and Windows Media Player 10 to experience all that this great new service has to offer. "
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Web Innovators New Site
"Given the success of our previous events, I am excited to announce that we’ve relaunched the Web Innovators Group (WebInno) website and set the details for our next gathering."Haven't been to this group's meetings yet, but hope to make it to the next one on the 20th.
Hide your email address from spamers
Posting your email address on a website is a sure-fire way to get an Inbox full of unsolicited email advertisements. The Enkoder protects email addresses by converting them into encrypted JavaScript code, hiding them from email-harvesting robots while revealing them to real people.Take that spamers!
Newspaper Vlogcast
roanoke.com: TimesCast vLog.
Best Video on the Web
Dave McAdam, of woomu says, "Woomu is where you will find all the best video on the web."
Define best.
Is Web 2.0 a Schrödinger's cat?
Is Web 2.0 a Schrödinger's cat? by betsythedevine, uploaded from flickr.
Here's a cat photo for you while I fly home on my favorite airline in the world, JetBlue.
Last night while waiting in the ..long.. line at the Blogger party, Amber MacArthur from TV and web fame came by with her crew.
We had a great time chatting. I updated them on everything in the world that had changed while they were on their plane, including hte big news that Microsoft's amazing new video website, on10.net, was showing QuickTime movies as hte default format!
Once inside I got my free Blogger beer, but alas, no more winter caps. :-(
I made introductions all around. The vlogger crew here included Joshua Kinberg, my SXSW event buddy, and Scholmo, my SXSW photo subject, and Richard Show.
Schlomo has a lot of amazing stories about the film industry.
Hey Eric Rice, if you are reading this, make sure you ask Schlomo about the airplane passenger compartment her turned into a bar!
Monday, March 13, 2006
Instant Schlomo Rabinowitz
Instant Schlomo Rabinowitz by stevegarfield, uploaded from flickr.
Schlomo Rabinowitz being interviewed on InstantTalkShow.com [ not live yet ].
The Organization: Video Mashup
The video mashup I edited for The Herms has been approved to be shown here at the SXSW music conference.
I just got the approval to post it on the Internet Archive, so you can see it.
I link to it over on my video blog: The Organization: Video Mashup.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
The Audience is right
It turns out that I used software from his former company, Trilogy, back when I was working for a computer distributor.
If his Bside community is half as good as Trilogy was, this is going to be a really cool platform for filmgoers and filmmakers.
Schlomo! by stevegarfield, uploaded from flickr.
Schlomo said to make sure I saw eyespot in the trade show floor, so Joshua Kinberg and I went over to check it out.
Very cool.
They have an online video editor that you can use to edit your uploaded videos clips.
I think Jay Dedman has been waiting for an online editing tool like this for two years.
Looks promising.
Check out the eyespot blog with a post featuring Schlomo, me, and Joshua Kinberg.
Podcast Pickle Party
Podcast Pickle Party by stevegarfield, uploaded from flickr.
Outside the SXSW convention center the Podcast Pickle was available for pictures!
We asked someone to take pictures of us with the pickle and those shots didn't come out.
Moral of the story, don't give your camera to strangers. Extend Arm. Take your own picture.
Lullabot and Goodnight
Lunch with Tony Pierce
Continuing my lunch roll call, Tony Pierce sat across from me. He's the community manager for Buzznet.
It was the first time we'd met. He's a cool dude. Obviously, since he was wearing a winter hat in 80 degree waether.
Doc Searls, who took this photo was there too, as was Thomas Vander Wal.