WARZONE-VIDEO: Video from Israel and Lebanon:
"Videos Created, Reviewed, and Sorted by people like you"There are other channels too.
This is what their about page says:
Magnify is a band of mad scientists, passionate storytellers,There's even a Snakes on a Plane channel.
and overly caffeinated engineers, all certain of just one thing:
there is a massive untapped resource of video makers ready
to be unleashed on the world. Some of them are really talented.
Our mission - with your help - is to build solutions to make
the good ones visible and let the other stuff sink like a stone.
What's interesting is that there are four hightlighted videos, they call them 'magnified', and 29 others on the sidebar. So there's a peer review process going on here to highlight the higher rated videos.
After I get back from the dentist I'll have to check into this some more.
If you take a look, please leave a comment.