They are using lots of new media tools including, YouTube, Utterli, Soundslides, twitter, flickr, Qik, BlogTalkRadio and more.
We'll be aggregating all their content using the new Beta of Friendfeed.
Here's the page:
You can watch the page and subscribe to it too.
It was easy to aggregate the student's content since friendfeed has all these services set up to include as feeds:
It also has a Custom Atom/RSS options so you can include sites that are not listed.
I've set up an event page over on Qik for the Boston Marathon too.
Links to all the Qik's sent in by students who attend this Qik event, will also be posted to the friendfeed stream. For those students who set up Qik to auto-post a twitter message, and who gave me thier twitter username, those posts will show up in the friendfeed stream too.
To add BlogTalkRadio, you click the little RSS Icon next to the username on your BlogTalkRAdio page and add that to friendfeed as a Custom RSS/Atom feed.
For Jeanne Amy her BlogTalkRadio page is:
And her feed is:
which friendfeed wants to read as:
You can also follow WBZ's Botonmarathon twitter account.
You can also view the BostonMarathonBU friendfed on the current version of friendfeed:
There you get an option to see realtime updates: