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Friday, April 24, 2009

Food From Home

Zack Braiker asked me to pass this along for his client, to help raise awareness about family homelessness. Zach writes on his blog:
I’ve always respected people who do. And it just so happens, that one of my clients, Trish Karter, is one of these people. She’s the CEO of Dancing Deer, an avid cyclist who runs a double bottom-line company. Dancing Deer’s corporate cause is family homelessness, and Trish Karter is advocating for that cause in a unique and real way.

From April 22-May 6 she’s climbing on her bike, travelling more than 1,500 and staying at homeless shelters along the way. The purpose of this ride is to raise awareness about family homelessness, and my company, refine+focus is helping introduce Trish to people on social networks for whom this cause is important.
Food From Home:
We’d like to know what food reminds you of home and hear your comfort food memories and recipes.
Tell us in a tweet or a blog post. And when you do, tag 7 friends as well.
Together we’ll use our tweets and blog posts to raise awareness about family homelessness, our company’s cause.
Now, we’re going to pass the torch to these people:

1. Chris Perrin, @blogwelldone
2. Karen Wise,, @wisekaren
3. Bryan Person,, @bryanperson
4. Beth Kanter,, @kanter
5. Rick Liebling,, @eyecube
6. Steve Garfield,, @stevegarfield
7. Chris Brogan, @chrisbrogan

**And the rules**
Link your original tagger(s) and list these rules in your post.
* Share what food reminds you of home
* Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names and the links to their blogs.
* Let them know that they’ve been tagged
*Please Copy and paste the description below:
Dancing Deer’s Sweet Home Initiative raises money for scholarships to help educate homeless women and end family homelessness. As a part oft his initiative, our CEO, Trish Karter, will be riding her bike 1,500 miles from Atlanta to Boston visiting family shelters in each city to raise awareness about this cause (see: ). She’ll also be recording stories from the women she meets along the way asking them about their experiences. One question she’ll ask them are what foods remind them of home.
Food that reminds me of home is American Chop Suey.

My mom used to make this for me when I was little, I made it at college, and I still make it on cold winter nights.

Here's the American Chop Suey recipe from my mom's blog:

1 1/2 lb. hamburg ( ground beef )
2 medium onions, coarsely chopped
1 green pepper, coarsely chopped
2 tbsp. margarine or oil
1 10oz. can tomato soup
8 oz. elbow macaroni

Brown onions and green pepper in oil or margarine. Mix hamburg in browned mixture until it loses its color, add tomato soup and spaghetti sauce.

Let simmer 10-15 minutes. Cook macaroni as directed, add mixture to same and bake in a 350 degree oven for 30 minutes. Serves 6

If you are lucky enough to have peppers, onions, garlic, mushrooms or tomatoes growing in your garden this season just add them to the mix - You'll get more servings out of this recipe and it will taste even better!
I'll tag these people that Steven Keevil, @PodsandBlogs, just suggested people follow for follow Friday on twitter:

@Documentally @Zadi @wankergirl @techsupportrich @rudy @caseymckinnon @PodsandBlogs

Posted to twitter.